New opening of Ale

Ale Discgolfcenter reopens in spring 2023

Out of the darkness Ale Discgolfcenter re-emerges on the bright Swedish discgolf scene. It is with joy and anticipation that we take on this project.

Joining the bandwagon is one of Sweden's hottest entrepreneurs in Vincent Schaffler, who built companies like Vincent's Husbilar AB and invented SmellWell. The other pillar of this foundation is Simon Terbrant Säfström, he is an environmental consultant and one of the Discgolfpodden's creators with previous experience in both the event and gardening industries. The third piece of the puzzle in the construction of Ale Discgolfcenter is Erik Mellgren, best known for pushing the competition culture among amateurs forward in Sweden, this with an ambition to make the sport one of the absolute biggest in Sweden.

A takeover of Ale Discgolfcenter creates opportunities that we all look forward to. The ideas are many and the tasks are inspiring. Erik will start working on getting companies up and running relatively soon. In this process new contacts will be made and new networks will be built, maybe we will hear from each other in the coming months.

Are you curious to follow the new start of Ale Discgolfcenter? If so, we would be grateful to receive your email address for future newsletters

More information about when the facility will open will be available on 5/12 at 15:00. The purpose of this post is to inform you about what is going on, and who we are to make this possible again.

Thanks for us, see you at Ale in the future!

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